Business Services

We at mobile computer repair provide business services for our clients. You can see details about our business services on here.

Strategies and Planning

Getting reliable results from a telecommunications system require in-depth planning, installation, and management. Our team of IT experts understands every aspect of telecommunications — from planning to project management, installation, testing, training and implementation.

Technology Assessments

The quality, performance and security of your network can be vastly improved with our technology audits. Working together with your in-house teams, we analyze your IT infrastructure in order to identify vulnerabilities. Then we set priorities that match your personnel and budget requirements.


Installing and testing your new platforms can cause nightmares for even the most seasoned IT professional. Mobile Computer Repair thoroughly tests and re-tests all devices and software prior to your switch-over date.

IT Budget Planning

The highly trained and experienced project managers at Mobile Computer Repair can help you acquire the technology you require to reach your business objectives within a budget that works for you.

Business Services

We rely on our business networks for so many things; safely storing sensitive or private information, up keeping servers and remaining online as often as possible, and providing growth in the digital sectors of your company. As we continue to become a more digital society, we’re relying on personal networks and trying to find trust in companies to safely handle personal information. Your IT strategy needs planning, your budget needs to be adhered to—there’s a lot to do, so where do you start?

From the Ground Up

What’s the most affected area of your digital strategy? Whether it’s integrating new systems, implementing new software, or anything in between, you should be able to avoid the stress and focus on what’s important- your business. Every other set of computer network services in Los Angeles or Thousand Oaks have one thing in common which is that they try to sell you on packages. Truth is, nobody knows your needs (and budget) more than you do. You need a service that can work with your budget and map out a long-term course of action that will benefit both your company, and its customers/clients.

Most computer network services in Thousand Oaks think of the short-term game, but we’re fully aware of the business side of things. They think about solving one issue at a time, often planting more mistakes along the way that end up popping up later. You don’t have time for that, and neither do we. Minimalize bumps in the road with a business that thinks analytically and comprehensively about what a business needs; we utilize the same solutions we offer to our clients to keep our own technology department up and running.

mobile computer repair

What Happens For the Long-Term?

IT isn’t a simple fix; it’s all about upkeep and maintenance, not a one-time fix to handle everything going down the line. That can take a lot out of you when it’s primarily a department that doesn’t see an ROI, so you have to plan accordingly. IT budgeting is tricky, because until something catastrophic and damaging hits your business, you don’t realize the true value of having your IT up to snuff.

We help you budget accordingly and appropriately, so you won’t hemorrhage money while maintaining your systems. We help you get the technology you need to succeed, so you can leave the complicated solutions in the rearview mirror.


What Happens For the Long-Term?

IT isn’t a simple fix; it’s all about upkeep and maintenance, not a one-time fix to handle everything going down the line. That can take a lot out of you when it’s primarily a department that doesn’t see an ROI, so you have to plan accordingly. IT budgeting is tricky, because until something catastrophic and damaging hits your business, you don’t realize the true value of having your IT up to snuff.

We help you budget accordingly and appropriately, so you won’t hemorrhage money while maintaining your systems. We help you get the technology you need to succeed, so you can leave the complicated solutions in the rearview mirror.

The Well-Oiled Machine

Training can cost you a fortune when you have to bring in specialists. Testing systems can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor. Project management is a headache waiting to happen, so why not stick with the one solution that handles everything for you? You don’t need to bring in numerous experts and waste time communicating. With Mobile Computer Repair, we can act as a cure-all to your “smaller” needs, like training and management. When you keep your information technology machine moving, it stays in motion. You don’t want to imagine a world where your IT systems fail you and you have to figure out the mess, which is why you have Mobile Computer Repair to handle it all for you.