Google Translator will run without internet

Google Translator will run without internet:

Google translates an updated version of the Google App Search giant Google. Not only online but from now on, the app can be used offline. In other words, if there is no data, the AI-based neural machine translation technology will run on Android OS and IOS without internet. Initially, 59 languages will be able to translate offline. The app can now be used in any language, and it also has more advanced translation facilities. 59 countries have some countries in Europe and some of the provinces of America. Also, it can be translated into English, Spanish, Chinese and Portuguese etc. languages.

Offline and IOS will work on both platforms in offline mode. Google says it will work directly for Android and IOS devices in offline translation. If you do not have an internet connection, then you can get an advanced translation facility.
However, due to the translation file, to install this app on mobile, at least 30 to 45 megabytes of space will be left empty. Although there is no expensive device to run this app. The app can be run on low-cost phones. Due to the new system, the translation of the whole sentence will be shown in lieu of the partial translation of the word. To get the benefits of offline translation, you have to go to the Google Translate app. Go to offline translation settings and select the specific language and download it.

Offline results like online are not as good, but they can be used while working. Since the launch of the offline feature on June 15, some users will be able to reach the phone within the next few weeks, Google said.