Computer Virus Removal Services in Encino Ca

Computer viruses are a serious concern for most users. These unwanted elements cause computers to show signs of malfunctions and abnormal system behaviors. So, it’s always a good thing to have proper knowledge idea about the different types of viruses and more importantly the access to professional computer virus removal services.

What is computer virus?

A computer virus is a self-replicating program that repeats itself to a different program. In different words, a pc virus spreads itself into different executable code or user documents. The purpose of making a computer virus is to infect computer systems, gain admin and management controls, steal sensitive data, and thus leave the system vulnerable.

Computer Virus Removal Services

Viruses are usually sent to the target computer through email attachments. Computers may be a victim because of users’ unsuspecting practices like visiting an infected web site, clicking on an executable file, opening spyware, adware, etc. Such actions allow the virus to unfold to your system. The same may be caused by infected removable storage devices, like a USB drive or memory stick.
Viruses are programmed to bypass a computer’s security system and firewall. Once a breach happens; different files or folders get affected. Some viruses may modify or delete or affect the key features or functions or resources of an application.

List of Computer virus

Here’s a quick explanation of different types of viruses.

1. File Infector Virus

Often called a file injector, it’s a kind of malware designed to cause permanent damages to executable files or make them technically unstable by infecting them.

2. Multipartite virus

These are viruses which move fast, use file/boot infectors, and attack the both executable files and the boot sector at the same time. By attacking both, these viruses may cause more damages than most other viruses.

3. Macro Virus

A Macro virus spreads to a device through those software programs using macros. Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word can be very popular examples programmed with the ability to execute macros. Macro viruses which are created for these and similar programs may spread by causing infections to related documents every time the user opens a document.

4. Boot sector virus

These viruses infect the master boot record (MBR) of a storage device. To infect a computer, the virus doesn’t essentially have to boot it. Consequently, non-bootable media or devices may be the reason for boot sector viruses to spread. Copy the infected code to the boot sector of a floppy disk or the partition table of a hard disk.

5. Web scripting virus

Categorized as a kind of security vulnerability through different websites to breach web browser security, these viruses allow the hacker to inject/push client-side scripting into a web page. The abilities of these viruses include the bypass of access controls and the theft of your browser information.

6. Browser hijacker

These viruses modify the settings of a web browser without requiring any permission from the user. The purpose of such modification is to inject unwanted or annoying advertising into the browser. A browser can change the search engine, replace the user’s chosen home page, and show an error page.

7. Resident virus

Hiding itself within your computer memory, these viruses load their replication module into the memory. It means no execution is required to cause the infection, but they can infect just about any file stored in the computer memory. With the activation and loading of the operating system, they load and start their functions.

8. Direct action virus

This virus attaches itself to any program file or (.exe or .com) file during its installation or execution. It’s able to spread to another file very quickly and make it inaccessible. These viruses won’t delete your files completely, and you can easily get rid of them using a standard anti-virus program.

9. Polymorphic virus

Complicated by nature, this virus affects the functions and different types of data. Self-encrypted and unidentifiable by a scanner, a polymorphic virus typically duplicates itself by generating slightly modified and usable copies.

Latest computer virus going around

The viruses dominating the internet from the last couple of years are as follows:

  • Whenu.BSQ
  • NaviPromo.Gen.1
  • PlayMp3z.A
  • ZAS
  • Autolt.TD
  • XPantivirus.A
  • Mywebsearch.DV
  • Mywebsearch.AV
  • Blinkator.A
  • Mywebsearch.DW
  • Almanahe.D
  • Mywebsearch.G
  • Worm.Autorun.UB
  • FakeAntiVirus.K
  • NaviPromo.Gen.3
  • FakeAntiVirus.M
  • FakeAntiVirus.L
  • NaviPromo.Gen.2
  • PlayMP3z.B

What are the common symptoms of a virus attack?

If your laptop has a virus, it starts showing certain symptoms which help you know that it’s time to look for virus removal procedures. Here’s a list of nineteen symptoms that indicate a possible infection.

Your Computer Slows Down

Computer slow down
Computer Virus Removal Services

One of the common symptoms is that your computer will work slower than it used to. Whenever you open an application or command any specific task, the process will take longer than expected. Also, some basic functions may seem to be carried out at a slow rate.


If your system crashes suddenly or you see the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). It’s also one of the most common occurrences triggered by viruses.


Pop-ups are not really enjoyable, and frequency of these annoying events indicates that your computer or browser has become vulnerable to a possible virus attack. On most occasions, adware programs are the main culprit behind these uncomfortable experiences.

Hard Drive Malfunction

In case, your hard disc starts working unusually, such a behavior may be the result of a virus infection. You can start by checking the hard drive for malware or other malicious programs installed accidentally or without your knowledge.

Running Out of Storage Space

You may not see that one of your drivers has run out of storage space, but it occurs to many users more often than not. You might see the indication as you try to move or copy something (file/folder/data) to it although you’re rightfully sure that the drive has as much space as required. Seeing this, you should run a scan for viruses or malware.

Programs or Messages Start Automatically

Some of the warning signs that you just you should care about include:

  • Windows closes down suddenly there’s no relevant cause.
  • As you open one particular program, another program opens or closes automatically
    without initialization.
  • Unexpected and frequent pop-up windows and annoying onscreen ads
  • Slow performance and start up
  • Abnormal or suspicious hard drive functionality
  • Missing operating system or application files
  • Error messages and sudden crashes
  • Hijacked email and other online accounts
  • Lost access to the hard drive (identified by a message)

Disabled Security Solution

In case your antivirus fails to detect any threat or its feature to find out threats barely works,
chances are that there’s been a virus or similarly destructive program lurking inside the system
only to make your life miserable.

Error or Strange Dialogues

Some viruses are programmed to interfere with the different applications of your PC and
generate messages or strange dialogue box indicating errors. You may not be able to figure out
the issue immediately, but it’s a sign that further inspection is required.

Unusual Network Activity

It’s another familiar situation in which your computer isn’t connected to the internet or no application is running which can cause the connection to occur, but you’ll notice a report of unusually high network activity. Did you really experience one such event? If you already have seen that, you should use a virus removal tool or contact a professional immediately.


Ads are common during internet browsing. If you see some of them while not browsing, this might be an indication of an adware.

Computer Malfunction

Computer viruses will cause your pc to show strange behavior. You may not experience issues with all sorts of activities, but certain actions or services may seem to show interruptions or abnormal events which are indicative of malware infections.

How to remove virus from computer?

Computer Virus Removal – Step by Step Procedure

  • Enter Safe Mode
  • Delete Temporary Files
  • Use a Virus/Malware Scanner

Activate Safe Mode

You may not experience issues with all sorts of activities, but certain actions or services may seem to show interruptions or abnormal events which are indicative of malware infections.Restart your system and press F8 repeatedly until the Advanced Boot menu shows up. Choose Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter. Your PC will start with the built-in features and networking services.

Delete Temp (Temporary) Files

Delete temporary files before you initialize a scanning process. It will not only release some of disc space but also speed up the virus scanning procedure and even gets eliminate some virus or malware. Use the Disk Cleanup tool to delete the temporary files from the PC. Go to the Start menu, choose All Programs, click on Accessories, and find System Tools. Click Disk Cleanup.

Use a Good Virus/Malware Scanner

A deep scan may not always be the ultimate action you can take to remove viruses, but it certainly will take out most problems. You can set a schedule for automatic scanning or do it on your own whenever you’ve some spare time.

Why should you opt for our computer virus removal service?

MCR is a US based company specializing in remote computer support and services with a long history of maintaining great terms with customers and corporate offices. Our skilled technicians use advanced virus removal solutions and security tools to diagnose and free your computer or laptop of all kinds of threats. We diagnose every machine thoroughly to confirm anything that might be a problem gets detected and enlisted as a threat.
Our processes remove all traces of infection. Therefore, your PC becomes clean and runs as efficiently as possible.
We use multiple tools to perform cleanups on your PC. We also secure your PC against any future attacks with robust software packages.
From the above discussion, you can get to learn a lot about the types of computer viruses, the harms they can cause, and the actions users should take to protect their computer and resources from virus attacks. Unless you’re genuinely an expert in the area, you should hire a professional technician or company known for providing the best computer virus removal services near you at affordable costs.