Computer Malware

Types of Computer Malware Explained and how to prevent them?

Malware is a type of computer virus that infects the target computer and causes damage to the system or data. It is used to steal personal information, or disrupt the normal operation of the system. Computer Malware may also be used to steal money from bank accounts, and use the information for illegal purposes. Some malware is designed to perform such crimes.

How do you know if your computer has been infected with malware?

Most of the users are unaware of the existence of malware. The moment a user turns on his/her computer, a few small programs get activated. These programs get loaded in the background, and work silently in the background to deliver harmful programs to the user’s computer. You may also find that your computer slows down or freezes, or it becomes difficult to use at all. If you want to check if malware has infected your computer, consult a reliable computer repair firm. They can effectively detect and remove malware.

10 Common Types of Computer Malware

Computer Malware are computer viruses that can infect your computer, which may be spread via email, websites, etc. The different types of computer malware are Ransomware, Fileless Malware, Spyware, Adware, Trojans, Worms, Rootkits, Keyloggers, and Bots. Each type of malware has different capabilities and consequences.


Ransomware encrypts a computer’s hard drive and extorts money from the victim by holding their data hostage until they pay the ransom.

If you are unable to pay the ransom, the malware will destroy your files. It is a form of cybercrime that is becoming increasingly popular, and it has affected millions of people around the world. A malicious program disguised as a file or an email attachment attacks the device with this type of malware.

Fileless Malware:

Fileless malware is a malware which doesn’t use files to infect the computer. Instead, it uses a combination of the following: malicious code, encryption, stealth, and evasion techniques. Malware that is fileless often targets specific processes and files to infect a computer. It can be installed in the background without any action from the user.


Spyware are the most common types of computer viruses that infect computers. They are designed to record your keystrokes, take screen shots, steal your personal information, or send out spam. Spyware is very dangerous and you should not ignore it.

Once a computer gets infected by spyware, it becomes useful to hackers. They can use the information they have gathered from you and your friends’ computers and sell that data on the black market for money or for them to use in malicious attacks on other people’s personal and work-related accounts.


Computer malware or Adware is one of the most common types of malware, which can be easily spread by various methods. Adware is a type of computer virus, which can infiltrate your system and cause damage to your computer. Adware spreads through methods like social engineering and hacking. Known as a pop-up virus, it causes advertisements to pop up on your screen while browsing. Adware viruses collect information about your online habits, including websites you visit and sites with pop-ups. They use this data to direct commercial ads to your screen without your consent, leading to unwanted adware infections on your computer system.


Trojans hide inside a file or program and run when the user opens that file or program. They can do a lot of damage to your computer, your personal information, and your financial information. They can also steal all of your passwords and files. There are many types of Trojans. Some Trojan horses simply mimic their appearance to hide, while others steal information and then install a keystroke logger (the software can remember when you pressed the keys) or change computer settings remotely. A Trojan horse can lead to identity theft, fraud detection, and illegal downloads by automatically downloading whenever you visit specific websites or send instant messages from certain chat rooms. Keep your home computer and personal information safe


Worms are a type of malware that has been around for a long time. However, they’ve become increasingly more common as time goes on. Worms are programs that infect your computer without your permission. Once installed, they can perform various malicious activities on your computer. They can slow it down, open up your personal information to the world, and can even steal your information and passwords. Worms can come in many different forms, but they all have one thing in common.

When a worm arrives, it installs itself first and then tries to steal your information or take over your computer. Once that happens, it starts taking over any and every program that runs on your PC – including Windows applications like Internet Explorer and Microsoft Office. This is why if you’ve recently had a problem with a worm, it’s likely that some sort of virus/worm took your information from you instead. The infection varies depending on the type of virus, as these viruses can affect both computer and laptop operating systems.


Rootkits are malware that can install on your computer without your knowledge. It hide themselves in the operating system and provide a back door to allow an attacker to gain remote access to your computer. Rootkits hide in the boot sector of the hard drive, earning them the name “Rootkits. They are incredibly difficult to detect because their operations only run at low levels in the system and they can stay dormant until called upon by a hacker.


Keyloggers are programs that record keystrokes and store them in a file. It can steal sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, and banking details by sending keystrokes to the computer via email or other channels. The best way to prevent Keyloggers is to use good antivirus software.


A bot, a type of malware, can perform various functions. Some common bot types are:

Web bots

These find out information about the infected machine and their IP addresses.

Web spider

These retrieve information from a web site.


These consist of computers infected with bot software, which lets the botnet owner control the infected machines.

DoS (Denial of Service) bots

These tools cover up keystrokes or prevent other users from accessing the computer network. They can damage or destroy computers internally and cause explosions without leaving tracks. They usually shut down servers one after another so that those who use it cannot work at all; although this may cause delays in their companies’ profits, they will not be able to pay even their payroll.

How to prevent malware?

While it is difficult to prevent malware completely, there are ways you can protect yourself from it. The most common way is to install antivirus software on your computer.

Malwarebytes anti-virus software:

Malwarebytes is great software that can prevent malware. It is also very good anti-virus software that can keep your system safe from malware. This software has a very simple interface, and is completely free to use. The software comes with features like Anti-theft, Anti-spyware, Anti-virus, and Firewall.


TitanFile anti-virus software is one of the best ways to prevent malware. It has a unique feature that lets you scan the whole system without slowing down your PC. This can save a lot of time, as you can get rid of the virus quickly and easily without waiting for the scan to complete.

You can also set TitanFile anti-virus software to run scans automatically, so that you will never have to worry about virus detection again.

Spybots anti-virus software:

Spybots anti-virus software is the best way to prevent malware. This software provides comprehensive protection from viruses, spybots, and malware. Spybots antivirus software provides you with the most effective protection against viruses, spybots and malware. Spybots antivirus targets PC and laptop users who want to enjoy all the advantages that computers offer. The software is provided for Free during a 30 days trial period of usage.


You can install BitDefender, a comprehensive security solution, on any PC. It is one of the best antivirus software available in the market. BitDefender has a very good feature of blocking suspicious and malicious websites. It also has a great feature of detecting and cleaning up any malware from your computer. You can secure your online identity by using it, especially on public computers or websites.


To prevent malware, you need to use webroot antivirus software. Webroot antivirus software scans your computer for any malware and keeps it protected from threats.


Computer viruses and malware are an increasing threat to our computers. They can cause considerable damage to your computer, including a loss of important data and files. In order to prevent this, you need to be able to identify the different types of malware and how they work. If you are concerned about computer viruses or other malicious software on your computer, then it is essential that you understand what causes them in order to know how best to avoid them in the future. The good news is that there are ways you can protect yourself from malware attacks, so take advantage of these tips! Read the blog post to learn more about the different types of malware and how to prevent them.